Tag Archives: New Year

New Year’s Resolutions.


New Year’s resolutions have never really been my thing.  This blog post itself is a sign of my inability to follow through with something. I was supposed to write this post yesterday; after all, how fitting would it have been to start fresh on such a cool date?  1/1/11 – the day Voula marches on to success!  But I have no excuse – stuff got in the way.  I was watching a marathon of “The Office” and was mesmerized by Dwight’s dog-like obedience to authority.  Now all I have to do is pump myself back up:  I AM AWESOME!!!!!!

Here are my New Year’s Resolutions (in no particular order):

(1) Follow-through on plans/goals/whatever.  I just have to suck it up and do it.  I’m going to chase the good feeling I get when I accomplish something; even something as simple as dusting the living room or cleaning the kitchen counters or shaving my legs.  I’m gonna chase it like it’s my next high.

(2) Re-focus on my fitness.  Yes, I know, everybody has this resolution when the new year starts. But I must do this.  After my gallbladder surgery in August I gained 20 lbs. and frankly, I don’t like looking at my ass anymore.  I need to look in the mirror and like what I see.  Also, I want to be able to bounce a quarter off said ass.

(3) Focus on my friendships.  Or, to put it more bluntly, be a better friend.  I have issues with keeping in touch with people and frankly, that is pretty sad for a 31-year-old.  “No man is an island,” they say, but for me 2010 was the year I was a lonely little island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, lost in my own head and forgetting my problems by smoking…stuff.  I need to clear my head and prioritize the people, not the lonely haze that I have unfortunately become comfortable in.

And I think I will stop my list right here to keep it manageable.  I’m taking a deep breath and starting fresh.  I’m hoping I don’t fall flat on my face and I’m hoping I come out the other end a better person.  And I hope my ass looks like a million bucks.  And it’ll look so good I won’t be able to resist giving it a sexy slap.